Monday, October 8, 2012

Platform 25 - protest on 6th October in Graz, Austria

WoMentor team participated in local communities protest on 6th of October in Graz , Austria.

Platform 25 ?

The platform 25 is an informal grouping of many organizations in the Styrian cultural, social, educational and health sectors, and thousands of individuals.
Founded the platform 25 was in February 2011. Response to the announced cuts in the Styrian provincial budget


The announced cuts will "hit" most painfully the Non- Profit Organisations in the area of Styria , who rely on their funding mostly on projects and national funding - youth centers, organisations working with women, children, unemployed people and migrants . These are organisations that don´t make profit and are mostly active in educational, social, cultural and health fields supporting those with fewer opportunities - meaning budget for their activities will be cut almost 25 %. Platform 25 trys to fight against the govenrments plan to cut the budget from non-profit.

More information on their website : (German)

You can also find more information form their Facebook!

Time for a Change! 

Cut from the PROFIT not from NON-Profit

Preparations for the protest!

Three people trying to make a difference

Signing the petition!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

European Awareness- what it means for a EVS ?

Yesterday I had again my monthly Evaluation. We talked about a lot of topics and I will write here some of the thoughts.

One of the most interesting topics we touched was being a European citizen and having European Awareness. I´ll start by writing about how did we come to this topic.

It all started with just one question: " How do I see the next 4 years for myself? "

I had been thinking of that lately. I guess it is the question for every EVS volunteer - "What will be next? ".
Estonia is a small country with just 1,29 million people and 45,227 km(2). From the list below you can see some of the countries that are bigger or smaller in size comparing to Estonia .. and then think of their population.
24) Lithuania: 25,174 square miles (65,200 sq km)
25) Latvia: 24,937 square miles (64,589 sq km)
26) Croatia: 21,831 square miles (56,542 sq km)
27) Bosnia and Herzegovina:19,741 square miles (51,129 sq km)
28) Slovakia:18,859 square miles (48,845 sq km)
29) Estonia: 17,462 square miles (45,226 sq km)
30) Denmark: 16,638 square miles (43,094 sq km)
31) Netherlands: 16,033 square miles (41,526 sq km)
32) Switzerland: 15,942 square miles (41,290 sq km)
33) Moldova: 13,067 square miles (33,843 sq km)
34) Belgium: 11,780 square miles (30,510 sq km)

What I want to say is that from inside it looked so much more bigger than now from outside. The cities felt bigger, the systems felt more right, the way of living felt like "the way everyone else does it" .   After travelling so much and living abroad I just see in a sense how much more limited things are for me when I am born in a small country. Jes, small is not always bad and even not in this case. I love Estonia. 
But actually "the way everyone else does it " is more like " the way estonians do it " . Being abroud and meetin all these people from other countries have made me feel other possibilities to live, other options, other mentalities that I didn´t know existed before. For example, the way austrians live is so much less stressful than estonians - ( of course , they also have a lot of holidays to rest and Sundays most people don´t work). Or how the "hot-blooded" italian or spanish people are so heartwarming and open from the first meetin and don´t need so much time to dare to be totally themselves from the first moment. 
Or what led me to write this entry ... the European dimension- or like seeing myself work in a European Federation. Maybe for a while full time, maybe split the time with Estonia, maybe once in a while. 
But the "maybe" in my thoughts is what surprised me as it has been "no" for most of the times. 
Afraid to making friends here knowing I will leave, being afraid that I will lose those who I left behind because I am not there. Most of these fears have been unfounded. I miss some things - some good times and some bad times but I can be that also for the people here. 
And my family and friends will not lose - they will just get a more happier me, maybe just abit different one. My family and friends won´t maybe see me that often but when they do - the appriciation and quality of the time will be so much higher : ) Being here has made me relalise : it is not about the  quantity ( how many times we meet) but quality (what we make of the one time we do meet ).  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

June-September 2012 : Projects

We are always busy writing project but during this period we were extra busy. Also it helped that we had addition to our team : 1 august arrived a new volunteer Alina Vlasa from Romania who is staying until the end of November.

So I will give a short overview of things we applied and did :

1.       Project 2014- EP for Young Women – Youth in Action 1.3 (Astrid)
2014- EP for Young Women is a democracy project with main focus on raising awareness and sharing information about European Parliament elections in 2014 and gender issues among young women. Lead applicant organisation is European Federation of Mentoring for Girls and Women (WoMentor). NGO Öökull (Estonia) will host an International meeting where there will be sent participants from Romania, Austria, Greece and Latvia (Partners and project activities national implementers).  Duration of the project is 18 months. Project will involve actively over 500 young people. Project activities create an open environment for discussion and dialogue between young women and policy makers. As a project result, young women participating in this project will present a list of claims to national parties and politicians about their needs and wishes for European Parliament candidates- so that the list could be considered in developing the election platforms for European Parliament 2014. Results will be also introduced at a meeting with European Youth Forum. Activities encourage young people to recognize their role as European citizens and participate in policy making discussions and go voting to express their opinion.  Variety of methods for participation is offered- workshops, focus groups, discussions in Social media, video interviews, leading activities, filling in questionnaires.

2.       Project YES-Young Entrepreneurs Start – Youth in Action 4.4 (Astrid)
Develop a mentoring European Handbook and Training for Estonia, Austria, Romania, Greece and Latvia. Train 25 mentors/staff members  in the field of mentoring and sustainable entrepreneurship possibilities in youth work and implementing mentoring cycles in their organisations to support young girls and women in sustainable entrepreneurship. Test the developed Handbook and Training at national level. All the administrative issues will be organised by national staff members and expert advice and material will be provided by WoMentor network. All phases of projects will be evaluated internationally and internally. There will be 1 international meeting for sharing experience and good practise; train the mentors and adapt the European Guidelines and Training. Furthermore, there will be 6 national meetings between mentors and mentees to monitor mentoring process, reflect on it and evaluate its effectiveness.  Existence of European Handbook and Training for implementing sustainable entrepreneurship mentoring  programs in organisations working with youth in Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Greece and Austria. Each participating country will have 5 staff members/mentors, who are experienced and skilled and capable to implement a mentoring programs to promote girl’s participation in entrepreneurial activities and sustainable entrepreneurship in general  in their  countries. Raised awareness of gender equality and sustainable entrepreneurship in youth work.  Continuation of similar mentoring relationships in organisations that participated in the project and start of them in other youth organisations.

3.       Social Entrepreneurship Award for We:Mentor (Astrid, Alina)
We nominated Gerlinde Hacker, Managing Director of Projektbüro für innovative Sozialpolitik (Projectoffice for Innovative Social Policy acronym “Projectoffice”) with the project of “We:Mentor” for the Social Entrepreneurship award.

4.       Life Story Award for Gerlinde Hacker (Astrid)
I nominated Gerlinde Hacker also for Life Challange Award. You can see and read her story here :

5.       Article for Youth Forum (Alina)
We were invited you to contribute with an article to the development of a “Guidebook for mentoring young women in Europe” by European Youth Forum ( WoMentor sent the article „Mentoring Programmes with a Special Focus on Mentoring for Girls and Young Women – WoMentor approach” and if it is approved it will be published in the Guidebook mentioned above.

6.       Gender Equality Through EVS (Alina)
The project is an initiative of WoMentor  in cooperation with 4 sending partners from Germany, Spain, Estonia and Ukraine.
The partnership is based on common interest  for the themes  focused on Gender Equality , aiming to share good practice , create tools for information and to raise the level of autonomy and the chances of employment of young girls , trying to motivate them to help their self esteem grow and also to  be active citizens in their communities.
The project will give to three young volunteers the opportunity to work in Graz, Austria for twelve months: from January, 1st 2013 to June, 30th 2014.
Volunteering through our EVS project will provide a real-life international learning experience, encouraging social integration, increasing employability and offering opportunities to gain knowledge at a professional level. Among many benefits, the partner organizations and the local communities are strengthened by the experience of European partnerships who exchange cultural knowledge and good practice, increasing awareness and understanding of the Gender Equality issue

7.       International Management and Mentoring Course (Astrid)
WoMentor has developed a curriculum for pilot project to be implemented for a 3 month Training Course of International Management and Mentoring.
Purpose and methods: Participants to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in International NPO Management and Mentoring. This course will provide an introduction to concepts and skills needed to effectively manage projects and mentoring programs in international NPO-s. 
Through simulations, case studies, sharing experience, discussion and practical work, the course will explore several organisational management challenges facing international NPOs.  The focus of our training courses is on gaining a thorough understanding of key concepts of International NPO management and mentoring, sharpening practical skills and developing strategies that participants can immediately use in their work. We address real-life problems in a participatory and interactive learning environment to help participants enhance their international management capacity. 
Target Group: 8 - 12 participants in one module
NPO-s working or wanting to work at international level
NPO-s with international team members
International project and program writers and managers
International mentors
Study language: English (Business English)
Venue: Graz, Austria
Course duration:  12 weeks (3 months)

8.       Grant application to Land Steiermark, Austria (Astrid, Gerlinde)
Asking for operating support for 2013

9.       Grant application to Stadt Graz, Austria ( Astrid, Gerlinde)
Asking for operating support for 2013

So we have really done quite a lot. In between I also do the communication with members, research (at the moment working on a article about quotas). Writing Grant applications to Land Steiermark and Stad Graz , which we did in GERMAN( talk about challanges ...). Finishing We:Mentor project report etc. 
I also had my Mid-Term Training in August!

Summarizing June-September: General Assembly 23rd June

Summer was a really busy time and I hope I will get back on track with writing to this blog.
So I will give you an overview of highlights of this period:

1. General Assembly of WoMentor in Athens, Greece
This was something we were preparing for months. It took place on 23rd of June in Athens, Greece (hosted by Greek partner EDEM).
Agenda looked like this:

Topics  9:00 – 11:00

  Presentation of WoMentor ´s activities for the last 4 years: Gerlinde Hacker
  WoMentor in Social Media: Astrid Mats,
  Mentoring in Greece: new term but ... already in the Market: Betty Rouni
  Mentoring as a provision for Latvia rural women entrepreneurship: Baiba Rivza
  New Members
  Report of the auditor - Ruth Seipel, Brigitte Probst - Rädler
  Release the Board from Responsibility
Coffee break  11:00 – 11:30
Topics  11:30 – 13:30

  Presentation of the new Board Members
  Proposed activities for the future
  Election of the new board for the next 4 years
  Membership fee and rights of members
Lunch  13:30 – 14:30
Topics  14:30 – 16:30

  Workshops for future cooperation

General assembly itself was really nice and interesting. Instead of a 7 member Board there is now 5 members and Federation also exepted 2 new members (one from Austria and one from Latvia). After General Assembly I had some holidays so I could rest a little.