So yesterday me and Gerlinde took part in two events connected to EVS.
First of them was : Einfach Weg! INFOmesse zu Auslandsaufenthalten
This was organized by LOGO Jugendmanagement ( )
It was mainly focused on introducing the possibilities for going abroad to young people. There I learned that in Graz there are quite many EVS volunteers and they kepp in touch with each other via phone and email and they meet often. I also met my first EVS there - Christian from Romania.
The second event was : Internatio
There we talked about YouthPass and I also met an ex- volunteer Marina who did her EVS in Estonia. It was very interesting to meet her and we agreed to go for a coffee on Friday. I am exited to hear about her EVS and what she has been doing later on.
Yesterday evening I was added also to mail listings and could communicate with other EVS. That was really important to me as I do not know any young people here in Graz with whom I could spend time and for example visit Events.
I am meeting the EVS group today for Dinner. The dinner there is part of Volkskuxe - once a week volunteers gather to cook vegan food .Usually it is held in Spektral, but this week there is an event in the evening it the dinner is moved to this place - Fahrrad Kuche :) (Bike kitchen)
I was asked to bring my smile and I will definetly do that :)